The last update for the Windows XP operating system happens on April 8 2014.
What does this mean for those running this 13 year old operating system?
The biggest concern is program compatibility. As new operating systems come to market and old operating systems are discontinued software manufacturers will stop developing new programs for the old operating system. This could leave your computer open to malicious attack from the internet as hackers try to exploit known vulnerabilities in the old program. This is most apparent in programs that directly connect to the internet, like the browser. In Windows XP the last Microsoft browser (Internet Explorer) that the operating system will support is IE10 and there is already a new version available, IE11 that won’t install on Windows XP. This won’t be a problem if you change you browser to Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, as these browsers will, for now, continue to be updated under Windows XP. There may come a time when new programs simply won’t work with Windows XP.
What about viruses and other malicious attacks?
As long as you have a good, up to date anti virus program on your computer and run your computer as a “standard” user, not an “administrator” you should be OK.
But at some time you are going to run into compatibility issues. It is after all, a 13 year old operating system! It’s probably time for an update! If you have further questions or you feel that the time has come, contact Wired 1 Consulting today! We will make sure you are good for the future of computing!
Support for Windows XP ends Tuesday!
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