What’s so special about that?

OK, so last week-end I finally went “to the movies”. Of course the movie that we wanted to see was sold out, so not wanting to drive back home we chose a non sold out “replacement” movie for $23! Then we waited in line for 3/4 of an hour. The fact that we were at the end of the line up meant we had to sit far to one side of the theatre screen. Went for a small soft drink to whet my whistle, another $2.25! The movie was OK, but the image was not in focus and the audio quality was mediocre, there was very little movement to the surround sound channels and explosions didn’t “happen” like they do in my home theatre! Not to mention the constant chattering and twittering  from all around!

It dawned on my why I didn’t go to the movies! For $25 I can have a movie, a pizza, a great seat and a screen quality that rivals the theatre both in size and sharpness, I can pause to get another drink, I’m always in the best seat in the house and I watch the movie, or maybe 2, that I want to watch at the volume level I like!

It doesn’t take long to pay for a home theatre at +$25 a throw (that’s for 2), I can’t imagine what a family of 5 would cost!


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